About Us
This site provides information about the amazing things in nature. It answers questions about the behavior of living things and what we learn about them. In her book, Biomimicry—Innovation Inspired by Nature, Jeanine M Benyus says: “Living things have done everything we want to do, without guzzling fossil fuel, polluting the planet, or mortgaging their future.” She is right.

Take Christopher Columbus, who was the first European to visit the San Salvador in the Bahamas in 1492. It was the birds that showed him the way, towards the end of his first voyage. When he spotted migratory land birds sailing towards the southeast, he changed course and sure enough, the islands were spotted four days later. And he was not the first, ancient mariners followed migratory birds and reached land.

The site is built and maintained by a group of activists, headed by a biophilic mostly known by his pen name Robertello Matousek. He loves nature and curiously seeks to understand more about the creatures in his neighborhood, their behavior, habitat and economic value.