Male and female Cedar Waxwing look alike to humans but they reflect light differently, which helps the birds to identify potential mates.
Cedar Waxwing
Although the male and female Blue Jay look alike to humans, the male’s feathers reflect ultraviolet light differently compared to the female’s feathers.
Blue jay bird on a branch

The male and female Blue Jay and Cedar Waxwing look alike and retain their plumage throughout the year. To the human eye they look alike, but that is not true.

According to National Wildlife, birds can see ultraviolet (UV) light. While humans have only three color-detecting cones in their eyes, birds have four. The fourth cone allows birds to see ultraviolet light, which is invisible to human eyes.

Although the male and female Blue Jay and Cedar Waxwing look similar to humans, the male’s feathers reflect ultraviolet light differently from the female’s feathers. The birds see the distinction, which helps them to recognize potential mates.

Male and female Blue Jay birds can see ultraviolet (UV) light, which helps them identify each other.
Blue Jay perched on a tree
To the human eye male and female Cedar Waxwing birds look alike, but that is not true.
Cedar Waxwing birds on a tree

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