It is estimated that there are 22,000 species of ants that number in the billions.
White ant colony composition
The queen ant is not the commander in chief.
Queen ant

Ants live in colonies of various sizes. According to Wikipedia, there are an estimated 22,000 species of ants that number in the billions, silently working away under and on the surface of the earth. A colony is made up of 3 types of ants: males, queens, and workers. The queen ant is not the commander in chief. She is queen in the sense that she is the mother of the colony. The ants work by instinct and need no commander. According to some sources, some ants work tirelessly from sunrise to late in the night.

A colony is made up of 3 types of ants: males, queens and workers. Some ants live in an ant hill.
Ant hill
Some ants live in termite hill and work tirelessly from sunrise to late in the night.
Termite hill

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