Spider with its prey. Compared to other creatures of similar size, a spider has very low metabolism and does not need a lot of water to survive.
Spider traps a dragonfly.
A spider has very low metabolism, which enables it to adapt to adverse climatic conditions and the sporadic nature of its food sources.
Spider traps a wasp

Compared to other creatures of similar size, a spider has a deficient metabolism. The small chemical processes enable spiders to adapt to adverse climatic conditions and the sporadic nature of their food sources. Some researchers claim that the Rabbit Hutch spider (Steatoda bipunctata)—found through Europe and North America—has been kept without water or food for one and half years, without any signs of malnourishment.

Rabbit Hutch spider on a white background. It is claimed that the Rabbit Hutch spider (Steatoda bipunctata)—found through Europe and North America—has been kept without water or food for one and half years, without any signs of malnourishment.
Rabbit Hutch spider (Steatoda bipunctata)
Spider catches a ant. A spider has very low metabolism and water it derives from its prey can sustain it over long periods of time.
Spider eats an ant

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