There are two basics to birding: the ability to observe birds and be able to identify them. First and foremost, you should be able to get a clear view of the birds. Watching requires a set of suitable binoculars that allows you to observe bird colors with clarity, even in poor lighting conditions. The standard pair of binoculars for bird watching is size 8x42. Binoculars with 12x or 10x magnification and a corresponding a 50mm or 42mm lens can allow you to see more details on smaller birds at greater distances.

Secondly, satisfaction in bird watching comes, not only from being able to identify well-known birds such as the hornbills and vultures, but also the little-known birds in your region. If you live in India for example, being able to identify the rose-ringed parrot, green bee-eater, Asian Koel and red-vented bulbul can be very satisfying. Therefore, an excellent field guide to the birds is essential. The guide can be a well-illustrated pocket size book with descriptions of male and female birds of each species in your country or region.
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