Painted lady butterfly
Painted lady butterfly
Sphinx moth
Sphinx moth

The sitting postures of butterflies and moths differ. A butterfly sits with its wings folded vertically and a moth, with its wings open flat. Another distinguishing feature of a butterfly is the threadlike antennae that end in a knot.

The sitting postures of butterflies and moths differ. A butterfly sits with its wings folded vertically and a moth, with its wings open flat. Another distinguishing feature of a butterfly is the threadlike antennae that end in a knot.

Thirdly, butterflies are brightly colored, and their flitting motion is seemingly endless, moving from one flower to the next without resting. On the other hand, moths are darker in color and are active mainly at night. Moths have thicker bodies than butterflies, and their antennae are feathery.

Madagascan moon moth
Madagascan moon moth
Mormon butterfly
Mormon butterfly

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