Bee Humming Bird
Bee Humming Bird
Bee humming bird, the smallest bird in the world
Bee Humming Bird (Male)

The Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae), also known as Zunzún hummingbird or Zunzuncito in its natural habitat, is the smallest bird in the world. You can find the hummingbird only in the Caribbean. Its average length from head to tail is 5.1centimeters (2 inches).

With an average weight of 1.75 grams (0.06 oz), the Zunzuncito weighs less than two US$1.00 bills. It prefers lowland areas and feeds on nectar from brightly colored and scented flowers, the Solandra Grandiflora flowers being its favorite. It lays two pea-sized eggs in a small nest, which hatch after 14-16 days of incubation.

The mother feeds the young on regurgitated food consisting of partially-digested insects and nectar. Although born blind, the chicks are ready to leave the nest after 18 to 36 days.

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