Frankixalus Jerdonni (yellow belled frog)
Frankixalus Jerdonni (yellow belled frog)

It is a frog called Frankixalus jerdonii—a new species of Himalayan thrush—thought to be extinct for the last 137 years. The renowned Indian biologist Sathyabhama Das Biju and a team of scientists rediscovered the frog in the jungles of north-eastern India in 2007.

According to BBC, it lives in tree holes about 6 meters (9 feet) above the ground, and it is the size of a golf ball. The frog lays the fertilized eggs in tree holes filled with water up in the trees and tadpoles are fed on unfertilized eggs by the mother frog.

Adult frogs feed on vegetation in contrast to other frog species that enjoy eating larvae and insects. The frogs sing, and you can hear their delightful songs from the treetops.

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