The processing power of the bee’s brain—weighing 10 milligrams—is far more powerful than a computer.
Tianhe-2 Computer

According to Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, the processing power of the bee's brain—weighing 10 milligrams—is far more powerful than a computer. A conservative estimate of the bee's processing power is ten teraFLOPS (1012 FLOPS), dissipating less than ten microwatts.
According to Wikipedia, China unveiled its Tianhe-2—rated the most powerful computer in the world—with a processing capacity of 33.86 petaFLOPS (1015 FLOPS) in June 2013. It occupies 720 square meters of space and consumes 24 megawatts of power, including external cooling. The area required is enough to construct a medium size house.

Kite or eagle, a pereditor approaching domestic fowls
The processing capacity of Tianhe-2 is equivalent to the combined capacity of 3,386 bees, which can fit in a small box with a power consumption of only 0.034 watts.
Bee on a flower

The processing capacity of Tianhe-2 is equivalent to the combined size of 3,386 bees, which can fit in a small box with a power consumption of only 0.034 watts. Moreover, the bee can move about and act independently: it collects nectar and finds its way back to the hive, processes nectar to honey, "informs "its colleagues of new food sources, cleans the hive and keeps it clean, looks after the brood; the list is endless.

A bee has more processing power than the most powerful computer. A bee can move about and act independently: it collects nectar and finds its way back to the hive, and processes nectar to honey.
Bee on a white flower
A bee has more processing power than the most powerful computer. A bee “informs “its colleagues of new food sources, cleans the hive and keeps it clean, looks after the brood; the list is endless.
Bees on a tree

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