You have this cough that does not go away. Your nose is stuffy. You suffer from sinus and ear infections. Other symptoms include wheezing, itchy eyes, and flu-like symptoms. Your ailment is not apparent to your doctor. It is hard to believe, but a secret cockroach infection may be responsible for your illness.
Cockroaches can crawl and hide in crevices, cupboards, floor cavities, sinks and pipes during the winter months. The come out to feed and move about at night. You will not believe the number of roaches in your kitchen when you put on the light in the middle of the night.
Health hazard
The cockroaches smear an unpleasant odor on everything they get in contact with, which persists for a while. You may also observe stains on objects that are irregular in shape and dark droppings that are cylindrical, measuring about 2 mm in length.
As the jump and move about, they leave behind a mixture of droppings, saliva, and tiny body parts. The stuff contains allergy-triggering proteins and other grim symptoms. It carries protozoan, fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Roaches are responsible for some cases of asthma in children.

Prevention and treatment
It is difficult to prevent roaches from coming into your house. The can arrive in vegetables, squeeze under your front doors from neighbors, through cracks and water pipes or hide in clothing or shoes when you visit infected places.
Do not create conditions that attract roaches into your home. Cleanup dishes before going to bed or cover them up in a secure container. By cleaning up food crumbs and spills, you deny the creepy creatures food sources.
Please store pet food in a container with a lid. Remove any leftovers after your pet has eaten. Inspect incoming grocery bags.
Clean hiding places such as crevices in floors, spaces around refrigerators, cookers, and cabinets. Dispose of garbage on a daily basis. Avoid eating in your bedroom.
Use a pesticide if your room is severely infected. Do not overuse insecticides as roaches can become immune. Be mindful of children and family members with allergies. Severe infections may require the help of a professional.
Cockroaches are among the most disliked insects on the planet. Even then, you and I can win battles against them, but the war is far from over.
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